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Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Society


  • Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Society Associate Membership£0.00
  • Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Society Standard Membership£0.00

Anaesthetics is the largest medical specialty in NHS hospitals and plays a pivotal role in the treatment plans of patients undergoing various operations and procedures.

The KCL Anaesthetics Society strives to promote medical student awareness, knowledge and participation in the field of anaesthetics. We aim to provide a broad range of opportunities, from talks and conferences to practical days and opportunities to participate in research, to facilitate understanding and engagement in this highly rewarding specialty that is often poorly-represented in the medical school curriculum.

Our events will be discounted for members so do join! It's free! 


We are proud to be partnering with Geeky Medics this academic year, use our code KCLANAESSOC for 10% off their OSCE stations and OSCE flashcards products (note: this is not an affiliate code, we just want to make OSCE revision as accessible as possible!)

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