List of Clubs

Joining a sports club couldn’t be easier! Simply log in, find a club you like and sign up.

Joining a sports club couldn’t be easier! Simply log in, find a club you like and sign up.


You might be wondering why we have two teams for certain sports, one titled ‘GKT’ and the other ‘KCL’. For example, there’s a KCL Netball club as well as GKT Netball.

KCL teams are open to all students of King’s College London, so no matter what you study at King’s, you can take part in the trials for KCL sports clubs and join in.

GKT (Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’) refers to the heritage of Medical students at King’s. To uphold this heritage, we have put measures in place that protect this heritage. To find out more please have a look at our Team Eligibility for Medical and Non-Medical Students Policy, or email [email protected]. If you wish to join a GKT team please complete this letter with the Club President and bring it to a KCLSU Hub (or e-mail [email protected]) when buying your membership. The process will take up to 24 hours to update on the student's profile before they can purchase the club membership.

Not a current student at King's? Find out about Associate Memberships

If you are not a current student at King's, you can still enjoy the benefits of being a KCLSU Member by becoming an Associate Member. Complete our application form now. Bring or send your completed application form along with proof of association, payment and a passport sized photo to the Strand, Guys and Waterloo Hubs. We’ll try and process your application within 14 working days.

To ensure you are eligible for Associate membership please have a quick read through our Associate Membership Policy.

If you have any questions please contact [email protected] for more info.

All coaches and Instructors including student coaches and volunteer coaches don't need to become an Associate Member, but are required to register with KCLSU, which you can do here.

Unregistered coaches and instructors will not be allowed access KCLSU and KCL activity spaces, so please make sure you do.


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