Contact us

We're here to help

If you want to get in touch - email us at [email protected] no matter what the query we'll try and get back to you as soon as possible. 

Check out these frequently asked questions our Hubs Staff receive often.

kclsu@Bush House

Disabled Access

KCLSU Hub - Bush House Ground Floor

Opening times








KCLSU Hub - Bush House 7th Floor *This Hub has closed and moved to Strand Campus*

Opening times








Bush House Hub Address

Bush House Ground Floor, South East Wing

300 Strand

London, WC2R 1AE

Strand Hub Address

Room K0.34A, King's Building

30 Strand

London, WC2R 2LS


Ground Floor Hub: 020 7848 1019

Strand Hub: 020 7848 1566


Ground Floor Hub: [email protected]

Strand Hub: [email protected]

kclsu@Denmark Hill (IoPPN)

Disabled Access

KCLSU Denmark Hill Hub, IoPPN - our brand new space!

Opening times









16 De Crespigny Park

London, SE5 8AF

Phone 020 7848 1168

Email [email protected]


Disabled Access

KCLSU Hub - West Wing









Guy's Campus (Visitors)

King's College London

London, SE1 9GU

(we're in the centre of Guy's campus, between Great Maze Pond and Collingwood Street.)


KCLSU@Guy's Campus (Postal)

King's College London

London, SE1 1UL

(This address will get your delivery sent to the post room)

Phone 020 7848 6231

Email [email protected]


Disabled Access

KCLSU Hub - Waterloo

Opening times








Franklin Wilkins Building

Stamford Street

London, SE1 9NH

Phone 020 7848 4588

Email [email protected]


Have we got it right? Could we improve something? Have we got something wrong? Comment, compliment or complaint - we want to hear from you. Get in touch anytime by emailing [email protected].

If you are unhappy with anything at KCLSU - be it a department, service, student group or an individual; you have the right to complain. Take a look at our Complaints Procedure to find out the steps you need to take to get your complaint heard.

Press Contacts

For press enquiries and media opportunities please contact [email protected].

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