Mission Statement
KCL is one of the biggest universities in London, with over 50,000 students and 4 main campuses spread across the city. This can make inter-campus travel quite challenging. The proposed KCL Campus bus aims to alleviate the problems faced with inter-campus commute and provide convenient travel for students and staff - connecting the wider KCL community. This will improve student experience, accessibility, and create a safer experience.
Campaign asks...
A shuttle bus that stops at Strand, Waterloo, Guys and terminates at Denmark hill.
Free or cheaper travel than TFL costs.
Campaign Team & Roles
Samira Omar – Student Trustee and Lead Campaigner
Faiza Inamdar – President of the IoPPNSA and Campaign Treasurer
Be part of our campaign! Change doesn't happen without you; sign up here to be part of our campaign team to bring a shuttle bus to Denmark Hill.
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