Destress KCL

Campaign Aim

This Campaign argued that University is not just a place for students to grow academically, but also develop new viewpoints about wellbeing and mental health.

Campaign Impact

The campaign secured enough signatures to offically ratify it as a KCLSU Camapign during 2023-2024.

Campaign Aims

  • Supporting KCL and KCLSU’s work on preventative measures, including peer mentoring scheme and improved pastoral support, with a focus on increasing the reach of preventative measures to support student groups who are the least likely to engage.
  • Improve awareness and communication of mental health and wellbeing services, finding new ways of contact between students and mental health services, as well as ensuring that students are aware of both the resources and processes of mental health and wellbeing services across KCL.
  • Ensuring that there is a level of quality and care for all students when considering cultural sensitivity and diversity around mental health and wellbeing, including championing for linguistically and culturally diverse approaches to mental wellbeing.

Want to get involved?

If you want to learn more about this campaign, or you can even see yourself picking up 'Destress KCL' we'd love to hear from you.

Email [email protected] now!

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