Campaign Aim
To organise students to take part in a national boycott of the National Student Survey (NSS) and Destination of Leavers survey (DLHE).
Campaign Impact
The campaign secured a successful boycott on the NSS. To do this, the campaign team did targeted emails to students through the KCLSU Officers Update, held open meetings and encouraged people to boycott, as well as holding stalls around campus. The boycott, in the end, was a success, with the fill in rate of the NSS falling to below 50%, and after this, the link between fees and TEF was cut when a number of other Unions boycotted. This means that generations of students have seen a fee freeze where before they would have rose with inflation to up to £10,000 by 2021-22.
In the light of the local council elections of May 2023, NUS teamed up with Citizen Card to offer students a free voter ID. This allowed anyone to get Photo ID from Citizen Card (usually £15) for free using to code 'NUS'. Alternatively, students who registered to vote beforehand coud apply for a Voter Authority Certificate if: (1) They don't have an accepted form of photo ID; (2) They’re not sure whether your photo ID still looks like you; (3) They're worried about using an existing form of ID for any other reason, such as the use of a gender marker. This would effectively prepare students or voting in grander elections, such as the General Election occurring on the 4th July 2024, and before the end of January 2025.
In 2024, KCLSU supported the NUS and King's 4 Change on the Turn Up campaign by hosting the 'Turn Up' for Voter Registration event in The Shack on the 23rd April. This was a grand effort to inform students about their voting rights and encourage them to register to vote!
On the 20th January 2025, the KCL website advertised the NUS National Conference Delegate, indicating a a spread to necessitate the role of young student voters in the general election across necessity across the KCL institution The number of NUS delegates varies from year to year. For example, 11 students were elected in 2023 while 10 were in 2024. However, all delegates still share an equal amount of responsibility in representing KCLSU at the NUS National Conference.
Want to get involved?
If you are interested in becomig involved withe the NUS, please expore the website here!