If you are requesting donations for emergency victims, we recommend that you only do so where it has been decided that it would be practical, cost-effective and appropriate way to respond to their needs. For charities and their beneficiaries, it can often be more effective to transfer funds rather than goods to the affected area. You may wish to instead ask potential donors to sell unwanted items and donate the proceeds to the appeal.
Donation Drives
Holding a donation drive is a great way to get the student population engaged in great causes, whether it’s collecting clothes to donate or toys for a children’s hospice. Drives are engaging, effective and minimal effort for societies to organise.
Donation drives are permitted to run for one week. If you would like to hold a donation drive, please read the guide below and complete the form below at least 10 working days in advance. Get in touch with the Volunteer team if you have any questions at [email protected].
Planning your donation drive
You must obtain and submit a charity authorisation letter from the charity you are supporting as part of your fundraising form.
Write a risk assessment for your event and submit this to your group's Activities Dashboard on the KCLSU Website.
You will be responsible for providing a container for the donations to be collected in.
You will need to create a sign for the container and a sign for the wall or window above the container. These should follow this template and outline what you are collecting and for which organisation.
You must inform the Volunteering Team of your donation drive by completing the fundraising form and submitting your risk assessment and charity authorisation form.
Once your forms have been approved the Volunteering team will put you in touch with the location you chose to host the drive in. It is the students responsibility to finalise the location and date with the venue. Please keep us informed if you change your date/venue.
After your donation drive
It is the students responsibility to collect your box within one week from the start date of your donation drive. If your collection box is full before the end of the week, you may be required to come and collect some items earlier to free up space.
Complete our evaluation survey to let us know how your fundraiser went. This helps us to improve the student experience.