The Buddy Scheme


Starting university can be super exciting but also a bit challenging, especially for Widening Participation students. That’s where the Buddy Scheme comes in!

Become a Mentor

As a Buddy Mentor, you’ll be paired with a first-year Widening Participation student to offer them guidance and support. You’ll meet regularly (in person or virtually) and attend social events together. Apply for the role here.

Eligibility for Buddy Mentors

You need to be a second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth-year undergraduate student at King’s College London and attend the virtual training.

Benefits of Being a Buddy Mentor

  • Help design and run events for the scheme, either alone or with student societies.
  • Get your volunteering hours recognised on the volunteering platform, contributing to a volunteering certificate.
  • Receive LinkedIn endorsements for skills like active listening, mentoring, and event management (if you join the social committee).
  • Enjoy a celebration event at the end of the scheme.
  • Get 1-1 support from the Widening Participation Coordinator throughout your time as a mentor.
  • Opportunities to promote the scheme on social media and the KCLSU and King’s College London websites.

How to Apply

Fill out this form by 1 September 2024.

Being a Buddy Mentee

The Buddy Scheme exists to help Widening Participation students settle in. As a Buddy Mentee on the scheme, you will be paired with a King’s student in an older year with whom you share common interests, experiences, and courses where possible. This student (your Buddy Mentor) will be there to give you advice, answer any questions you have, and signpost you to services when needed. There will also be plenty of varied virtual social events for Mentees and Mentors to get stuck into and opportunities to meet others on the scheme.

Eligibility for Buddy Mentees

To be eligible to be a Mentee on the scheme you must be a first-year student and be care experienced, estranged from your family, a Sanctuary Scholar, and/or have attended a King’s College London Widening Participation programme before coming to university.


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