Event Description

Wednesday 02 October 2024

4pm - 6pm

King's Sport - Honor Oak Park Sports Ground


Where? King's Sport - Honor Oak Park Sports Ground, London, SE23 1NW

Are you interested in playing football at university? Look no further!

Whether you've played for 10 years competitively or have never touched a ball - our club is for you! We have 3 competitive teams and 1 recreational team, catering to all abilities and courses!

Come and say hi at our trials/taster sessions:

For teams-
Sunday 22nd September - TEAM TRIALS (1s, 2s, 3s), 11am-1pm, Honor Oak Park astro

Wednesday 25th September - WHOLE CLUB TASTER (1s, 2s, 3s, 4s), 1pm-3pm, Honor Oak Park astro followed by sports night at Guy's Bar!

For Recs-
Wednesday 25th September - WHOLE CLUB TASTER (1s, 2s, 3s, 4s), 1pm-3pm, Honor Oak Park astro followed by sports night at Guy's Bar!

Wednesday 2nd October - RECS (4s) TASTER, 4-6pm, Geraldine Mary Hemmsworth park

Scan the QR code to sign up to our taster sessions via the form in our Linktree or follow this link https://linktr.ee/gktwfc 

Follow us on instagram @kingsfootball_gktwfc and DM if you have any questions!



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