We know a lot of students have been concerned and confused about their accommodation, rent and residences during the last couple of weeks, so KCLSU and King’s are hosting a joint live Q&A to enable you to ask any questions you may have. The panel for this event are:
KCLSU Student Officers (chairing the event):
- Salma Hussain, KCLSU President
- Niall Berry, KCLSU VP Activities and Development
- Tasnia Yasmin, KCLSU VP Welfare and Community
King’s Senior Staff Members:
- Steve Large, Senior Vice President (Operations)
- Paloma Lisboa, Director of Operations
- Charles Gallagher, Director of King’s Community Business Services
You can join the Q&A by following this Teams link on the date of the event:
If you are unable to attend, you are also able to ask an anonymous question through the Typeform below:
We'll hope to answer these during the event and share the recording on our channels.
Please email [email protected] if you have any issues logging in.