"PerSIStence: These are a series of events bought to you by KCLSU and KCLSU societies surrounding a central theme of female empowerment, whatever that means to you. We have a central calendar of events that allows students, who would be ordinarily unaware of the really cool events society may be running, to see them all in one place. There are a range of events from panels, workshops and just chill outs with cool, inspirational women." - Salma Hussain
This event will have short informal talks from lecturers and a PhD student at KCL who are women in FoLSM. They will provide insight into their careers and what being a woman in STEM has been like for them. There will then be an opportunity for questions and discussion. Some of the themes will be the under-representation of women in the workplace, difficulties in the field of science being a woman, and the challenges of a male-dominated field. It will also be a good opportunity for those interested in a career in science and research to hear from some women who are doing that!
Link for the event: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZmRjOGVjZjgtZDI0Yy00ZGVjLWE1Y2ItYmVmMzQxOTE4ZjE2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%228370cf14-16f3-4c16-b83c-724071654356%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225116127d-5b60-45e7-82a9-eb8883614ff7%22%7d