Our Events

At KCLSU, we enable and sup

Wednesday 02 October 2024

4:30pm - 6:30pm

Online (via Teams)


£0.00 (Online Ticket [Free])


Welcome back to Community Leaders Training!

As the start of term nears, it's time for the final step in your Community Leaders Training journey, which will help build on your existing experiences and help you feel ready for running your student group throughout the coming year.
As a President or Treasurer you have the advantage of accessing early bird tickets for the sessions. For ease, we have broken down everything you need to know about the Autumn training below!

Attendance is free but you will require a ticket (more in the how section). This is specifically the event page for the online training on 2 October - tickets for our in-person training on 27 September are available here.

What is Community Leaders Training?

When you are elected as a community leader, we provide you with training in order to help your group succeed. 
In May/June we held Community Leaders Training at Guy's campus/online; over the summer there's been self-directed e-learning modules on Keats to complete, and now we return in September for the final part of training.

September's online session is a deep dive into managing your group's finances, as well as covering communicating with your membership and an overview of the year ahead. Please note: the online session on 2 October does not include networking or optional workshops - these are only available at the in-person session on 27 September. Specifically in your role as President or Treasurer (PaT), it is essential for you to be aware of these processes to ensure smooth sailing throughout the year, which is why it is compulsory for you to attend.
The dates we will be running training are September 27th (in-person) and October 2nd (online). As a president or treasurer you are required to attend one of the two available training dates.

This training will take place online, via Microsoft Teams.

All the training sessions are going to be delivered by KCLSU staff who you will be working with throughout the year. This is also a great opportunity to start building strong relationships for your leadership journey with the staff.
The sessions will be a range of interactive sessions and presentations. In order to secure your preferred day, you will need to book your training slot on the event, either on this page for online training, or at https://www.kclsu.org/events/8768/14071/ for in-person.  Make sure to choose the right day which you can attend. Tickets are limited so if you have a strong preference for a certain day we suggest you book in advance.
You will receive a reminder email the Friday before training, but please ensure to mark your session in your calendar.



Since we know you might have some questions we have compiled a mini FAQ for you:

  • What if I can't attend?

You are required to either the in-person or online session, so we ask that you do your best to be able to attend. If you have an exceptional circumstance reach out to us to notify us and we can acknowledge your absence.

  • I've already been a community leader, do I really need to attend training again?

Yes. Even if you've been a community leader before, our processes and policies are currently going through some changes which you will need to be updated on.

  • Can other members of our committee attend training?

Yes, other community leaders will be able to attend training. However, we aim to prioritise space and attendance of PaTs.

  • What happens if I don't attend training?

As mentioned above, it is a requirement for you to attend training. If you do not attend this will have an impact on your group. For instance if the treasurer does not attend training, the finance team would not give them access to the group’s account. If neither role attends training, this could result in your group being deratified. As mentioned above, if you have an exceptional circumstance as to why you cannot attend please email us on [email protected]

  • What if I have more questions after training?

There will be an opportunity for you to ask questions throughout training as well as during the networking sessions or breaks that will take place on the day. If you have any burning questions after the fact, you can always email us!

  • What if I booked one session but can no longer make it?

Please email us on [email protected]. We may be able to transfer your session if spaces are available but we strongly encourage you ensure you are able to attend your booked session - as we cannot guarantee spaces will be available on the day and so may not be able to cater to any last-minute changes.

  • I have an accessibility requirement. / My circumstances do not allow me to attend digital/online training.

Please email us any accessibility requirements on [email protected].


Looking forward to seeing you all online!

Community Development Team



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