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Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association


  • Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association Associate Membership£0.00
  • Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association Standard Membership£0.00

As Muslims we believe in all revealed religions and believe Islam to be the final religion for mankind revealed over 1400 years ago to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). We consider Islam to be a religion of Peace, rationality and science. We believe it to be a perfect guide to establish a living and tangible relationship with God and to live in harmony with all his creation. As Prophesised by Muhammad (pbuh) a time was to come when humanity would move away from God and large number of Muslims would move away from the true teachings of Islam. In that time, a person (Messiah) would come who would bring humanity back to God and peace. We believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (a.s) (1835-1908) to be that Promised Messiah. At king’s we hold regular talks and events to discuss faith related issues, to promote interfaith discussion and harmony. Everyone is welcome join us.

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