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Financial Law Society


  • Financial Law Society Standard Membership£0.00
  • Financial Law Society Associate Membership£0.00

We are a society focused on law and finance. Even though our specialty is financial law we look at both law and finance more broadly. Therefore, anyone with a legal or financial background can join. You don't need any prerequisite knowledge in either subject but the enthusiasm to engage with other students and the curiosity to learn more. 

We support our members by organising skill-based competitions, career related seminars and inviting professional speakers with which you can engage. We look forward to meeting all of you who are interested in building a career or have a passing interest in law and finance. 

Follow us on Instagram to keep in touch with us and all the exciting events up ahead!

As a new society we are open to any fun ideas you may have or expectations that you hold of a financially oriented law society. Please e-mail us or contact with us on Instagram! 

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