Pakistan Urdu Society

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Pakistan Urdu Society


  • Pakistan Urdu Society Standard Membership£5.00
  • Pakistan Urdu Society Associate Membership£0.00

Welcome home to the biggest Pakistan hub. With us you will be able to connect with Pakistanis at Kings alongside across London. Through our membership, you will gain access to early bird tickets at selective Pakistan SU events, some of our free in house events.


Our events include games night, cricket screenings, urdu classes, dent/med mentoring seminars, go karting, ice skating, winter wonderlands, movie screenings, boat parties, qawwali night, seminars & discussion forums and much more. We are here to ensure you have a home away from home, and are able to make the most out of KCL!


Upcoming Events:

Join our meet & greet on the 11 October, Jean Hanson Room, Guys Campus! 

Join our cricket screening 14 October, Harris Lecture Theatre, Guys Campus!


Make sure to follow us on our instagram, and join our whatsapp chat by DMing!


President: Azzan Zahid 

Vice President: Danial Waheed 


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