List of Activity Groups

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Catholic Society


  • Catholic Society Associate Membership (Non-students)£5.00
  • Catholic Society Standard Membership£5.00

Welcome to the KCL Catholic Society!

We are a group of Catholic students dedicated to sharing our faith throughout the university. All students are welcome to join us and share their interests and skills to create a unique international community! 


We hold a variety of weekly events on the Guy's and Strand campuses, ranging from prayer groups, Bible courses, celebration of the Holy Mass, discussions and regular socials. These activities, just to name a few, gives us all the opportunity to grow in our faith and knowledge of Christianity as well as in friendship with those around us.


For the latest information and news, follow us on Instagram and fill in our Welcome Form if you're interested in joining!

We look forward to seeing you soon, God Bless!



Trip to Canterbury Cathedral


Weekly Social Outing for Dinner

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