Dermatology Society

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Dermatology Society


  • Dermatology Society Standard Membership£0.00
  • Dermatology Society Associate Membership (Non-students)£2.00

We are a student group for those interesting in pursuing a career in Dermatology. We aim to provide talks on topics related to Dermatological medicine, publicise courses, and provide students with opportunities to network with those who share similar interests in this exciting area.

Guy’s and St Thomas has a strong background in the area of Dermatological science. The St John’s Institute of Dermatology seeks to improve the diagnosis and management of severe skin diseases through better understanding of the basic mechanisms that cause these conditions. There are multiple opportunities for students with an interest in this area to gain further clinical and research experience through links organized by the society.

We aim to hold fortnightly lectures in a new series called ‘Dermatology and..’ that relates the speciality to all other major medical fields, for instance Paediatric Dermatology, which will be advertised via facebook and posters on campus. The meetings are usually held of Guy’s Campus, London Bridge. We already have three speakers from the St. Johns Instutitute lined up.

Furthermore, there will be monthly meetings at the Royal Society of Medicine and St Johns Institute.

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