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Gospel Society


  • Gospel Society Associate Membership (Non-students)£3.00
  • Gospel Society Standard Membership£3.00

The King’s Gospel Society is a group of passionate, like-minded people with a vision of maintaining a loving community for Christians as well as sharing our faith on campus. . 

Our desire for everyone who encounters our society is that they would leave Renewed, Transformed and Empowered by the Word! We have so much planned for the new academic year; ranging from worship nights and panel discussions to more relaxed events such as the christian society picnic, our meet & greet and bowling social. You are bound to feel welcome and at home in our society. 

Our weekly bible study and worship sessions helps us as Christians to learn, love, and grow with one another - truly encompassing what is said in Romans 12:2 (that we should not conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewal of our minds).

Additionally, our choir practice is another way we express our love Jesus and is open to everyone no matter your ability- a voice that worships is a voice that is beautiful!

Our end of year event will be an exciting way to close the academic year with time for people to talk about their personal walk with Christ, listening to our amazing hand-picked keynote speakers, as well as enjoying some food together.

As our verse of the year mentions (Philippians 3:12), despite meeting our goals as an individual, we as a society press on to take hold for which Christ Jesus took hold for me. Jesus took us from wherever we were before Him and with that comes a purpose for us collectively as a society to take hold of that purpose and seek first the Kingdom and take hold of what Christ has in store for us.

Therefore, we would LOVE to welcome you to our family and press on through God’s grace together.


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