We are home to KCL’s only non – auditioning orchestra and choir, welcoming everyone regardless of course, campus or ability!
Please note: You can only buy 1 type of membership during the year - so please consider this when choosing between single or multiple ensemble. If you're part of a large ensemble (orchestra or choir) and would also like piano membership - please purchase the single ensemble membership, then email us to inform us you're also a piano member. See below for more info about buying membership.
Our Ensembles
The orchestra rehearses every Monday, 6:00-7:30pm in AR4, West Wing, Guy’s Campus (next to London Bridge Station).
We try to accommodate all levels so do not feel intimidated if you are only a beginner or haven’t picked up your instrument in a while. We’ve played a wide range of pieces, from Elgar’s Nimrod to Pirates of the Caribbean, and rehearsals are always relaxed and friendly!

The choir rehearses every Monday, 7:30-9:00pm in Guy’s Chapel, Guy’s Campus.
Previous pieces they’ve sung have been the enchanting ‘Stars’ by Eriks Ešenvalds and Rutter’s ‘What Sweeter Music’, as well as supporting everyone in the carols at our Christmas Concert!

Piano Membership
This gives pianists secure access to a piano at Guy’s campus where you can schedule in practice times every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sign up to our mailing list to receive weekly information about booking practice slots.
Performance Opportunities
We offer plenty of performance opportunities throughout the year: large concerts for our orchestra and choir including our big annual Christmas Concert; Open Mic Nights for singers and bands; and Musician Platforms for soloists and small ensembles.
A big part of GKTMS are our inclusive socials! We hold all kinds of events from Pub Quizzes, Movie Pizza Nights to attending free or reduced fee concerts and shows.
Membership Explained
You can purchase only purchase membership for the whole year.
Single Ensemble = Orchestra OR Choir
Multiple Ensemble = Orchestra AND Choir
Associate = If you're KCL Alumni or University of London student.
Piano = Individual practice slots for the piano at Guy's Chapel.
If you want to play music in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, attend our concerts or come to our socials, become a member of GKT Music Society today! Come visit us at Freshers Fair on 21st September for more info (tickets on KCLSU).
Current committee members:
President - Thomas Ng
Musical director - Alex Borland
Publicity officer - N/A
Secretary - Grace Weaver
Treasurer - Alberta Kee
Social secretaries - Anivart Joshi
Choir librarian - Niamh Brennan
Orchestra librarian - Anna Tao
Wellbeing officer - Vacant: contact us to apply!
Follow us on Instagram for more updated information and remember to sign up to our 24/25 mailing list.