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Cycling Club


  • Cycling Club Recreational Membership£20.00
  • Cycling Club Competitive Membership£30.00
  • Cycling Club Associate Membership (Non-students)£20.00

Our Products

  • Cycling Club Recreational to Competitive Upgrade£10.00


(AKA the KCC!)


This club is for everything bikes! From city cruiser commuters to weekend warriors and lycra-clad bike lovers, everyone is welcome from students to alumnae. However, please note that a road bike is necessary for most activities.

The KCC is much more than a cycling club; it is a cycling community.

        1. ACTIVITIES

Joining us you can expect our weekly activities around London, some inter-varisty BUCS races and just maybe a reading week and/or summer trip (to the French Alpes) ?

Weekly rides :

Tuesday         Wednesday     

Saturday / Sunday             

Regent’s Park Laps on Tuesday morning (1 - 1.5 hour)

Training sessions at Richmond Park on Wednesday afternoons (2 hours)

Monthly closed circuit session at LeeValley velopark (2 hours)

Long distance rides outside of London (3+ hours)

 Past rides have included :

  • Box Hill
  • Bath
  • Oxford
  • Cambridge
  • Windsor (cinnamon bun run) 
  • Richmond
  • Brighton
  • Epping Forest


         2. MEMBERSHIPS

Please note that holding a membership will be mandatory after the freshers period for compliance with the Student Union's guidelines as well as ensuring that everyone holds a proper insurance to cover for our risk management​.


Recreational Membership

Associate Membership (non-students) Competitive

KCLSU Sports Insurance

Weekly rides (outlined above)

Access to the
sponsored club kit produced by Gobik

Sponsorship Benefits

Access to the club’s
Strava and WhatsApp

Attending Inter-varsity
and BUCS races


BUCS fixtures



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