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Hockey (KCL Women's)


  • Hockey (Women's) (KCL) Single Match Competitive Membership£5.00
  • Hockey (Women's) (KCL) Term 1 Competitive Membership£36.00
  • Hockey (Women's) (KCL) Social Membership£15.00
  • Hockey (Women's) (KCL) Term 2 Competitive Membership£36.00
  • KCL Women's Hockey One Off Training Membership£3.00
  • Hockey (Women's) (KCL) Associate Membership (Non-students)£68.00
  • Hockey (Women's) (KCL) Competitive Membership£68.00

Our Products

  • KCL Hockey (Women's) Additional Match Fee for Single Match Membership£10.00

Welcome to one of the finest hockey clubs in the whole of London. Come and join our family <3

Our club is for everyone, no matter your ability. We strive to be a competitive club on the pitch but off the pitch a fun and wholesome community. If you are looking to join and have any questions, feel free to contact us via our Instagram page - @kclhockey

Follow us on Instagram, and on the official King's College London Hockey facebook page. 

Who are we?

At KCLWHC we currently have four teams that participate in the BUCs; South Eastern Tier 2, South Eastern Tier 3, South Eastern Tier 4, and South Eastern Tier 5 London leagues. Each of these teams are catered for different abilities.

Our 1st team is for the highest performing athletes who want to play competitive hockey whilst also being part of a social club.

Our second team still play at a competitive, energetic and successful level, but is for those who enjoy hockey without the performance team pressures. 

Our third team offers a chance for people who have played some hockey before, e.g. in school and would like a relaxed and fun approach to hockey.

Finally, our fourth team is more for people who have played a bit or never before but still want to play some matches and improve. This is also a good stepping stone for those who are keen to improve.

Along with this, we also have a competitive Mixed team. On Sundays we partner with our Men's club - KCLMHC - and conquer the rest of London in the LUSL (London League). This provides a great opportunity for us to get to know our mens club!!

Our mixed team are 8-time champions of the league! This year we are striving to maintain our winning reputation. Don't let this put you off though, our mixed team remains one of our most relaxed and fun teams!

When do we train and play matches? 

Our Ladies 1st and 2nd teams train on Monday's from 7:30-9pm whilst our Ladies 3rd and 4th teams train on Tuesdays from 6-7:30pm.

All teams play BUCs matches on Wednesday's and on Sundays our mixed team play in the LUSL league either at our home grounds or away at venues across London.

The address for our home ground is -> Honor Oak Park Sports Ground, Brockley Rise, London, SE23 1NW. 

Our club community 

Whilst our club is a hockey club at heart, we treasure the social side to our society. We believe our club should be a place where everybody feels at home. Regardless of the stress that come along with university life, hockey will always be a place where you can come and relax with your friends. Friendships are fundamental to the ethos of our club.

Our socials ensure that our teams integrate with one another so we can get to know everyone within the club. Our socials are predominantly on Wednesday nights and are held at a variety of venues across London. Some of our bigger socials – including Pub Golf and Family night – are held of Fridays with our Men’s club. This year we are hoping to implement some more wholesome socials including pottery painting and team dinners!

Be prepared to get suited and booted at the end of the year to celebrate the wonderful season we have all shared together. The past two years we have held our End of Season Dinner at the Hays Galleria, which over looks the gorgeous city of London. 

Club tours to Europe:

As a club we also hold two tours a year, both of which are with our mens club: 

1) A winter tour to a ski resort - last year KCLHC treked to 

2) A summer tour to a sunny destination in Europe!! 

Destinations in the past have included; Valencia, Split and Lagos. The most exciting part is that you won't find out where you're going on our summer tour until you get to the airport!! 

Like said in one of our Club Hymns:

There are good ships

There are wood ships

There are ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are friendships

Which there’ll always be. 

KCLWHC is not just a hockey club, it is a community of people who look out for one another. Friendships are the backbone of our club. Without every single one of our members we would not be able to make anything happen. So, come a join our family - we promise you won't regret it <3

If anyone has any questions about the club feel free to get in touch on any of our social media platforms!


KCL Women's Hockey Club Committee 2024/25!

President: Phoebe Banbury

Vice-President: Bradley Curtis 

Treasurer: Amelia O’Rourke-Walker

Club Secretary: Sima Shakib

1's Captain: Sofia Bashir

2's Captain: Bo Mifflin

3's Co-Captains: Maegan Stanlake-Jones and Isa Benson

4's Captain: Abbi Drake

Mixed Captain: Emily Laugharne

Social Secretary: Jenny Blofeld

Social Secretary: Surya Atkinson

Social Secretary: Holly Griffin

Tour Secretary: Maegan Stanlake-Jones

Charity Secretary: Vanesa Tautkute

Wellbeing Officer: Lara Vautier

Media Secretary: Toby Chan

Kit Secretary: Jerry Ren




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