Starting a Group

Students standing on a stage.

New Group Applications for the 2025-26 Academic Year

KCLSU boasts of a community of over 400 student groups, from common interest, to sports clubs, to creative arts, to anything you can desire. However we also acknowledge that further communities can exist. If this sounds like you, and you have an original idea for a new group, then you can apply to start your own! Please note, this is for the 2025/26 academic year.

Application process to become a ratified KCLSU Student Group

1. Filling in the application

New Group Applications Open - TBD
New Group Applications Close - TBD

The first step in order to create your new group is to fill in your application form. In order to do this, you will need:

  • The details of your president and treasurer to be. If you are unsure of what these roles mean you can read below:
    • A president has the overall responsibility of a group. They are in charge of creating the vision for the group as well as delegating tasks to the rest of the committee to ensure a smooth running of the group. They are expected to lead any meetings, and alongside the treasurer, make financial decisions.
    • A treasurer is in charge of the finances of the group. This is ensuring the group's economic state is sustainable by ensuring there are sufficient income streams (such as membership price, sales, sponsorships, etc.) as well as making financial decisions for the group.
  • A name for your group as well as the main aim and activities you will run in the potential year

In order for your application to be considered you must abide by the following criteria:

  1. Your group must fulfil the role and purpose of a KCLSU Student Group; building a community and sense of belonging, delivering activities that enrich the community and that have educational purposes for personal development for the community leaders and their members.
  2. The purpose of the group should be unique and not have significant overlap with any existing student groups.
  3. Meet a threshold of interest (50 upvotes)
  4. Practical for KCLSU to support within existing KCLSU resources
  5. Demonstrate its potential to be sustainable and self-sufficient in the long-term

If you need the application form in a different format, or require any support, please email us on [email protected] before the 29th January so we are able to provide you extra support.

2. Community support

Online Voting for New Student Groups Open - TBD
Online Voting for New Student Group Closes - TBD

In order for your group to be successful at this first stage, you must demonstrate that the potential group will receive interest from the KCL community.

Once the application period has finished, all applications will be compiled and the potential groups uploaded onto the KCLSU website. Here, current KCL students will be able to upvote your group idea. You'll need a minimum of 50 current KCL students to sign into the KCLSU website & support your new group idea in order to be successful at this stage!

3. Funding and Ratification Committee Panel

FAR committee panel -  TBD

If your group is successful in the first stage, your group's application will be presented to the Funding and Ratification Committee (FAR). In this panel meeting, the committee members will take a decision on whether your group should be ratified or not. You can read more about the FAR committee at the bottom of this page.

If at this stage your application is successful, your group will be ratified in the 2025-26 academic year. 

If your group is unsuccessful at this stage, you may submit an appeal for the decision.

4. Appeals

Appeals Deadline - TBD

If you choose to appeal the FAR committee's decision, you will need to submit an appeals form (to be uploaded at the time). Your appeal application will be reviewed by the Vice President Activities & Development to make a final decision on the outcome of your group.

If your appeal is approved, your group will be ratified in the 2025-26 academic year. If at this stage your appeal is rejected, your group will unfortunately not be successful in being ratified.


Funding and Ratification Committee

The FAR Committee is a group of elected community leaders who make important decisions about how KCLSU funding streams get allocated and decide on the ratification of new group applications.

The panel is comprised of 9 members with reserved spaces for one student from each of the following: activity group, media group, KCL sports club, GKT sports club, postgraduate student, black student, LGBTQ+ student, women student and a disabled student.

All members of the panel are current community leaders that are elected into the position by fellow community leaders, so whether you nominate yourself or not, you have a say in who will represent student groups' interests!

The term of office duration is of one academic year, with all committee places opening for election for the next academic year in the summer season.

The members will need to attend a number of compulsory panel meetings throughout the year in order to fulfill their duties. The dates for these meetings are currently to be determined, but if you are interested in hearing more please reach out to [email protected]

Being part of the FAR Committee is a great opportunity to develop important transferable skills and shape activities at KCLSU. Receiving training for running effective meetings with opportunities to compromise and negotiate, and even the opportunity to become the elected chair for the panel, this is not an opportunity to miss!

Further questions?

Should you have any further questions or require extra support to fill in this application, be it a further understanding of what a student group is, what it entails, or if you require extra support, please email us on [email protected]

If you would like the application in an alternate format, please email us on [email protected] before the 29th January 2024 in order for us to provide you with the necessary documents to ensure you have sufficient time to complete the application.

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