Coursework-related Misconduct
If the College does have concerns about your work, then what happens next depends on whether this is a first offence of plagiarism/collusion/self plagiarism or either a subsequent or more serious offence. There is the Local Academic Misconduct Procedure (known as LAMP) for first offences, and there is the Misconduct Committee Procedure for second/subsequent or more serious offences.
>Academic Integrity Meeting (AIM)
AIM takes place within your department in the form of a meeting with two members of staff from the department to discuss the charge. This is usually an informal meeting with a friendly tone. This is not an interrogation or a formal hearing – they just want to understand what happened and ensure students understand how to reference correctly to avoid plagiarism. At these meetings, the academics are usually understanding of the fact that plagiarism can and does often occur accidently, due to incorrect referencing rather than an attempt to cheat. Depending on availability, a KCLSU Adviser may be able to accompany you to the meeting for support if that would be helpful.
The possible outcomes could be:
There is no cause for concern regarding the student’s submission. No furrher action will be taken, and the work will be marked as usual. The Department will keep a record of the AIM occurring, noting that no misconduct was found. (Outcome 1)
That no academic misconduct has occurred, and the concerns relate to poor academic practice (see 7.4). The student will be provided with feedback, and the work will be marked in line with the assessment criteria. The Department will keep a record of the AIM occurring, noting that no misconduct was found. (Outcome 2)
Academic misconduct has occurred and an outcome should be applied locally. The outcome will be sent to the student in writing, giving reasons for the decision. A copy of the outcome will also be sent to SCA. (Outcome 3)
That the matter should be referred to a Misconduct Committee. (Outcome 4)
Unfortunately the College doesn’t take intention into account when deciding whether an essay contains plagiarism. They will look at material that comes from other sources and whether this has been appropriately quoted and referenced. If information taken from another source hasn’t been quoted and hasn’t been referenced, the College would consider that as plagiarism, whether the student intended to do so or not. In cases where a small amount of source material has been quoted, but not referenced, or referenced but not quoted, that can sometimes be considered as poor academic practice. More information can be found here (in the College’s guide to academic honesty and integrity).
>Misconduct Committee Procedure
If you are invited to a Misconduct Committee hearing you should be given at least 14 days’ notice of the date. This is a formal hearing, but on the level of a job interview, not a court hearing. You can dress as you feel comfortable, you get to sit down throughout the procedure, you are not interrogated and you can take a break at any point.
You are invited to submit a written statement and any evidence they have for consideration and have to send this to Student Conduct and Appeals ([email protected]) at least 7 days prior to the hearing. KCLSU Advisers can advise on what to include in this statement and would be able to check drafts for you before you submit.
The Committee at the hearing will usually be made up of 3 members of staff from the College and 1 fully trained student volunteer. These are the people who would decide on the outcome. There will also be another member of staff present who is responsible for taking notes and audio-recording the hearing. There will be a representative from the department, but they will not take part in making the decision on the outcome.
What would usually happen is that the department representative would begin by explaining the case and why your work has been flagged for plagiarism/collusion/self plagiarism. You will then be given a chance to respond and put forward any information you feel is relevant, for the Committee to take into account. A KCLSU Adviser is usually able to accompany you on the day and support you in putting forward this information. You would also need to inform Student Conduct and Appeals if this is the case ([email protected]) when you submit your statement.
The Committee will then decide whether or not to uphold the charge and if they uphold the charge, they will decide which penalty to recommend. You would be given the decision by email up to 7 days later, and there is an appeal procedure if you are not satisfied with the decision which KCLSU Adivers can also advise on.
More information can be found in the College’s misconduct regulations here as well as in student guidance on plagiarism here.
Examination-related Misconduct
>Preliminary Investigation
If you are suspected of Academic Misconduct during an examination, the matter will be referred to Student Conduct and Appeals, who will investigate the charge. As part of this preliminary investigation, they may wish to talk to you. If you are required to attend any meetings with them, a KCLSU Adviser may be able to accompany you.
After the preliminary investigation, Student Conduct and Appeals will decide on one of three outcomes:
- There is no case to answer/insufficient evidence – the case would be dropped and that would be the end of it
- A warning for misconduct can be issued – the student would receive a warning and a formal letter, which would stay on their record within King’s only. Any further cases of misconduct would be treated more seriously, but there would be no further repercussions if the student never receives a charge of misconduct again.
- A full investigation in to the alleged misconduct is required – in this case, the student would be invited to a formal hearing, known as a Misconduct Committee. KCLSU Advisers can help students prepare for this and write a statement, and also are able to accompany students to the hearing on the day.
>Misconduct Committee Procedure
If you are invited to a Misconduct Committee hearing you should be given at least 14 days’ notice of the date. This is a formal hearing, but on the level of a job interview, not a court hearing. You are invited to dress as you feel comfortable, you get to sit down throughout the procedure, you are not interrogated and you can take a break at any point.
You are invited to submit a written statement and any evidence you have for consideration and have to send this to Student Conduct and Appeals ([email protected]) at least 7 days prior to the hearing. KCLSU Advisers can advise on what to include in this statement and would be able to check drafts for you before you submit.
The Committee at the hearing will usually be made up of 3 members of staff from the College and 1 fully trained student volunteer. These are the people who would decide on the outcome. There will also be another member of staff present who is responsible for taking notes and audio-recording the hearing. There will be a representative from the department, but they will not take part in making the decision on the outcome.
What would usually happen is that the Chair (the lead person on the Committee) will begin by introducing everyone at the table. Usually the department representative would be asked to speak first and cover any relevant information about the exam including whether what the student is accused of could have given them an unfair advantage in the exam. You are then be given a chance to respond and put forward your explanation of what happened on the day, for the Committee to take into account. It isn’t possible to predict exactly what questions they will have for you, however they usually start with an open question asking you what happened in your own words.
The Committee will then decide whether or not to uphold the charge and if they uphold the charge, they will decide which penalty to recommend. You will be given the decision by email up to 7 days later, and there is an appeal procedure if you are not satisfied with the decision which KCLSU Advisers can help with.
The College’s Misconduct Regulations in full can be found here.