Education Collective Two: Assessment

First, we asked reps what their wins were last term...

We consulted reps on a new draft of KCL's new Assessment Policy. Below are the most popular answers...

How can you get involved?
Read about our timetabling campaign here.
Have we missed anything? Send any feedback on the above questions to [email protected].
May Update
The feedback was well recieved by KCL staff and the new TASK paper was submitted for approval at the next College Education Committee.
The updated principles can be found below:

Officers will be approving the paper so send any further feedback to [email protected].
Education Collective Three: Timetabling
1. Positive Analogy Exercise
Students were asked to choose from a vast selection of picture-coaching cards provided to come up with an analogy of what they want KCL timetables to represent. A few highlights were…

An eagle: Strong, something we take pride in.
Balanced stones: It’s organised and calm. It’s a balancing act of classes.
Dart Board: A timetable that tries to hit all the points students are asking for.
2. Problem Mapping

3. Minimum Standards Prioritised
We then discussed the idea of a minimum standards policy and what should be prioritised (not because our standards will be prioritised themselves), but to delve deeper into some of the students’ ideas and rationale behind them. The results we determined in the session are below:

After discussion, the students reflected that the reason they ranked student and staff focused so highly, is that they want timetables to encompass a sense of wellbeing and reassurance for both students and staff that the university will do everything possible to ensure timetables enhance, not detract from, their time at King’s. They mentioned that students often felt overwhelmed and did not know where to turn when they had issues, or what rights they could expect, so the timetable should focus on taking away some of that uncertainty and confusion.
It was clear in discussions that specific break times and days off – e.g. the nitty gritty timetabling stuff, was not the main concern of students, but rather an ethos of supportive and compassionate timetabling that puts students’ mental health first. This is reflected in early release and deadline bunching as 2nd and 3rd priority, as these are both areas that heavily impact student wellbeing and ability to plan accordingly.
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