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40 things I wish I had known in my first year at university

As a final year student, I have given my time at university a lot of thought; including the things I am glad to have done, and the things I wish I would have done differently. Read below my tips for first years to remember:

Managing your money 


1. Budget wisely from the start  

Don’t spend your entire loan payment all at once—student life can get very expensive! Contrary to popular belief, your student loan isn’t just free money to squander. You’ll need every penny to get through the year, and even then, it might be tight. Budget and save as much as you can, but still allow yourself to enjoy your time. 

2. Buy used books  or visit the library 

Don’t buy your books brand new—save money by purchasing used ones from Amazon or local shops. Better yet, why not check if the book is available in the library? Although beware, make sure you check in advance if everyone on your course has the same reading, or else you may  

3. Use student discounts 

Your student discounts won’t last forever, so make the most of them while you can. Whether it’s on food, clothes, or entertainment, take advantage of every opportunity to save. 

4. Shop at night for bargains  

Night-time is the best time to find deals at the supermarket, as stock nearing its sell-by date will often be reduced in price. Check out our guide to supermarkets in the UK here

Academic success 

5. Attend your lectures, even in first year  

It takes some serious self-discipline to drag yourself out of bed to those 9am classes in first year, especially as it doesn’t count towards your final degree. Skipping lectures might seem tempting, especially as no one will chase you after you do, but the content you learn will be important for your entire course, and it is much harder to catch up later. 

6. Plan your studies 

I wish I had taken some time at the beginning of my first year to get my deadlines in order and plan when I will study. Plus, organising a study routine can save you from frantic last-minute cramming. 

7. Get some work experience 

London can be competitive when it comes to work experience, but lucky for you, King’s is one of the most prestigious institutions worldwide! Make sure you start early, spacing it out, and by the time you graduate, you will have a solid CV and be able to apply what you’ve learnt in a real-world context. Check out the King’s Careers and Employability Service for tips.  

8. Do referencing as you go along 

Leaving all your referencing to the end of your assignments is a bad idea—it takes forever! Get it done as you go. If you are having trouble, King’s Libraries & Collections have a guide here

Wellbeing and health 


9. Look after your physical and mental health 

Your health is paramount, so take care of yourself. Eat properly, get enough sleep, and make sure to practice self-care to keep your wellbeing on track. 

10. Reach out for support 

King's offer a range of support services, so make use of them, including our in-house GP! Visit the KCLSU help page if you need advice on which services to visit. 

11. Freshers Flu does exist 

During your first month at university, you’ll probably catch “fresher's flu”, so make sure you have some medication on hand. 

12. Learn to cook healthy meals 

You’ll likely eat a lot of unhealthy food but learning to cook a few nutritious meals will make a big difference to your health and energy levels. Student Beans have a list of recipes that will get you through the freshers period. If in doubt, adding extra vegetables is always a good idea! 

13. Buy earplugs 

 University halls can be noisy, so invest in earplugs. You’ll thank yourself later. 

Social life 


14. Don’t judge too quickly 

When you meet new people, keep an open mind. First impressions aren’t always accurate, and some of your best friends might not seem like it at first.  

15. Make an effort with your flatmates 

Being friendly with your flatmates can make your first year much more enjoyable. Even if they’re not your closest friends, having a good relationship with the people you live with is important. Check out more tips on living in student accommodation here

16. Get involved with KCLSU 

King’s College London Student Union (KCLSU) is the home of all things student life at King’s. From student bars and cafes, to societies, events and support services, there is something for everyone! My biggest piece of advice when it comes to student life would be to engage with as many parts of the student union as possible, and try something new! Read more about what’s on offer here

17. Don’t feel pressured to drink  

University culture often involves drinking, but don’t feel pressured to drink alcohol if you don’t want to. There are plenty of non-alcoholic alternatives, and you can still have a great time without it. 

18. Find your people 

Making friends at university can seem daunting at first, but the most important thing is to be open to new experiences and try lots of different things. This could be getting to know people from your course, accommodation, or from a student group. Keep in mind, it can take a while to find people you really click with, but don’t give up! 

Making the most of opportunities 


19. Make connections 

Networking is crucial. It can open doors for job opportunities and motivate you to graduate. If you’re unsure where to start, check out the events on at King’s and introduce yourself to people there. You never know who you may meet!   

20. Join a student group 

University is a fantastic time to explore your interests. At KCLSU, there is something for everyone when it comes to student groups! You will probably find a society related to your course, or you could join something as a hobby. It’s a great way to meet people and try new things. Check out our guide to student groups here

21. Run for course representative  

Don’t be afraid to run for a student representative role. It’s a great way to get to know your tutors, your course, and meet new people. 

22. Explore all London has to offer 

Take time to explore the city where you’re studying. Beyond the student spots, there’s so much to discover, and it’s a great way to make London feel like home. King’s has several campuses in different parts of the city, so why not explore a new neighbourhood nearby? For more on student life in London, check out the latest-news page on our website. 

23. Go travelling 

When else are you going to have all of this free time? Once you graduate, you will be limited to annual leave to travel, but as a student, you have such long holidays it opens a world of possibilities. If you are travelling on a budget, check out our guide here

Life skills and practical advice 


24. Don’t forget to do your laundry! 

Don’t get lazy with your laundry. Letting it pile up will only lead to regret later. Also, make sure you buy plenty of underwear! You’d be surprised how quickly you can run out of things when you are caught up in the whirlwind of Welcome

25. Always carry your ID 

Whether it’s for getting into clubs or buying certain items, always have your ID on you. Bonus: make sure to always bring your student ID for student discounts, you never know when you might need it! 

26. Know your rights as a tenant  

This one is mostly for when you move out of accommodation in your second year. Familiarise yourself with your rights as a tenant and a consumer. Many students fall victim of being taken advantage of, so don’t let it be you! University of London have very useful housing support services, so make sure to remember them when you need it! 

Adjusting to university life 


27. Don’t feel pressure to live up to the student stereotype 

Not every student lives for all-night parties and endless socialising. It’s okay to prefer quieter activities and to stick to your own pace. 

28. You don't have to go out every night 

Fresher's week and beyond might seem like a non-stop party, but it’s okay to say no and take time for yourself. You’ll make friends, even if you skip a night out. 

29. Allow your career plans to change 

It’s natural for your goals to shift during your degree. Don’t worry if you find your interests changing—many successful people end up in careers unrelated to their degrees. 

30. Enjoy every moment 

Time flies at university, so make the most of it. Get your work done on time so you can fully enjoy the new experiences, friendships, and opportunities that come your way. 

For more tips on student life at King’s, check out our latest news page. 


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