News Article

Empowering Voices: Navigating the Student Representative Role at King's

As a student representative, my responsibilities consist of gathering and voicing feedback from the student body, informing students of actions taken by faculty in response to feedback, encouraging students to participate in surveys, attending "Staff/Student Liaison Committee (SSLC)" meetings, and more.

I previously partook in the student representative role during my foundation year, wherein I contributed towards developing my foundation year to better the module satisfaction for both my year and years to follow. After my foundation year, I participated in the role for my first year to facilitate a way for students to express their concerns.

The student representative role enables me to involve myself with the KCL community, and assiduous attention must be paid to all students, which, though challenging, could be undertaken through numerous methods. For instance, to ensure all students are heard, surveys are one of the most efficient methods, while speaking to students directly regarding their concerns could also aid in gaining perspective on the student body's opinions. Student representatives are also able to network with a plethora of students and staff from multifarious backgrounds. I met several staff members and students during my foundation year, with whom I have maintained a relationship until now; as a student representative, you could also work with several societies around campus for specific events, which expands your networking circle extensively. Networking may also aid you in gaining opportunities in other roles in KCL; for instance, as I was a student representative this year, I was also able to join the Department of Education Committee (DEC).

Furthermore, being a student representative also entails opportunities outside of university to strengthen your CV, such as internship opportunities at several companies/firms. As a student representative, you also work and communicate with a multitude of other representatives across different years and courses, which aids in fostering a like-minded and cooperative community; if you require assistance, other student representatives may help in any way they are able. Throughout my experience as a student representative for my foundation and first years, I have faced various challenges, primarily concerning the accuracy of surveys due to lower turnouts. Surveys are vital in highlighting statistical data to provide staff and admins with evidence regarding student concerns, although interviews may offer deeper insight, surveys are utilised in a wider range to reach as many students as possible. Surveys are a salient indicator of student satisfaction due to their anonymity in responses. Overall, being a student representative is a valuable experience for any student at KCL and would enable students to maintain a deeper role in staff decisions. 


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