The Principal, Professor Ed Byrne, has announced that he will complete his term of office by the end of the academic year 2020-21.
The new Principal will be appointed by Council later in 2020 and I'll be working as part of the recruitment process. The university would like to use the early part of the process to hear the views of King’s students on the priorities and challenges ahead and to help determine the characteristics, experience and skills it should be seeking in the next Principal.
You can share your thoughts at the open campus meetings detailed below:
• Denmark Hill Campus: 28 January, 12.00–13.00, KCLSU, IoPPN Main Building
• Strand/Waterloo Campuses: 5 February, 13.00–14.00, SAFRA Lecture Theatre, King’s Building
• Guy’s Campus: 11 February 13.00–14.00, KCLSU Activity Room 1