News Article

Hear from your peers this graduation: The Days Following

Graduation day is a monumental occasion that marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Whilst it is exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time, you can take comfort in the fact that so many people ahead of you have felt the same way. We spoke to a number of King’s alumni to bring you valuable advice so that you can make the most of your graduation day and navigate the days that follow. Read below on tips for the days following graduation. 

1. Celebrate Your Achievements 

Take some time to celebrate your hard work and accomplishments. Whether it’s a small gathering with family and friends or a special treat for yourself, mark the occasion in a way that feels meaningful to you. 

2. Organise Your Documents 

You don’t have to do this straight away, but it’s a good idea to ensure all your important documents, such as your transcripts and certificates are safely stored. Create both physical and digital copies for future reference. This will be helpful when applying for jobs or further education. 

3. Update Your CV and LinkedIn Profile 

Do you even have a degree if you don’t add it to your LinkedIn?! In all seriousness though, it’s a really good idea to add your new degree to your CV and LinkedIn profile. Highlight any relevant projects, internships, or achievements during your time at university. A well-updated profile can help you stand out to potential employers. 

4. Network with Your Peers and Professors 

Stay in touch with classmates, professors, and mentors. They can provide valuable advice, references, and potential job leads. Make sure you stay in the loop; networking can open doors to opportunities you might not have considered. 

5. Find direction — Scrap the “shoulds” & listen to what YOU want 
For quite possibly the first time in your life, there’s no more “right answers” or “shoulds.” You don’t have to do anything in particular. But ask yourself these questions: 1) What makes you happy? 2) When are you having so much fun that you lose track of time? 3) When have you felt most proud of yourself? You can think of these questions with regard to work, community, living situation, hobbies, finances, family, and more. It’s good to reflect, as this will help give you some sort of direction on what you want to actually be doing in life. Whether you’re entering the job market, continuing your education, or taking some time off, having a clear plan can help you stay focused and motivated. 

6. Be Kind to Yourself, Your Emotions are Normal 

At the same time as the above though, the transition from university life to the next phase can be challenging. It is completely okay to not know what you want to do next. You have just earned a degree, which is an incredible achievement! Struggling with the post-graduation transition is more common than you think. If you’re struggling with this transition, you are not alone. Whatever you’re feeling — fear, sadness, stress, confusion, anxiety, etc. — are all common feelings to arise in this state.  
So first and foremost — it is okay not to be okay right now. It is time to be kind to yourself as you navigate this transition.  

7. Stay Informed About Alumni Resources 

King's offers resources and support for graduates, such as career services, alumni networks, newsletters, webinars and workshops. Stay connected and take advantage of these resources to support your post-graduation journey. 

Graduation is a momentous event that deserves to be celebrated and cherished. Congratulations to the Class of 2024! Remember, this is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter. Embrace the journey ahead with confidence and pride.


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