News Article

It's Great Big Green Week

From 8-16 June is Great Big Green Week!

Since 2021, the Great Big Green Week (GBGW) has been an annual celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature, with opportunities all over the UK to stand up for nature and fight climate change. It is organised by the The Climate Coalition, a coalition of over 100 organisations, including the National Trust, Women’s Institute, Oxfam and RSPB, and over 20million people working to build a greener, safer future.

Watch the Great Big Green Week campaign film here!

This year's GBGW theme is 'swapping' – swapping is not limited to only materials and items, but can also include sharing ideas and knowledge. The official GBGW website has some great examples of this concept in action, from “clothes or book swaps, to skill swaps in allotments or upcycling workshops, to knowledge swaps on discussion panels or wildlife reserves”.

”What do I have to swap?” You might be asking. The answer is probably more than you think. Here are a few pointers if you’re thinking of getting started!

  • Whether you live in student halls or rent privately, many of us can relate to the inconvenience of moving around every single summer. So if this applies to you, how about donating something you can’t take with you or no longer need to a local charity or recycling it, to both make your move smoother and reduce the amount of waste you produce in the process? (King’s Sustainability also has further tips on their website about how to reduce waste in your everyday life).
  • Why not check out online communities like Olio and Freecycle, where you can give away, borrow, or lend items for free to/from those nearby?
  • Mending and repairing is a small but important step we can take to reduce the waste we contribute to through the fashion industry, which has a sizable impact on pollution and carbon emissions. You can learn more about the environmental impacts of fashion here and about fast fashion versus slow fashion.
  • Finally, you can find out about other events in your area, and inspiration and highlights from previous years on GBGW's website. There might also be a local community hub near you - where likeminded individuals celebrate local activities related to sustainability and showcase their relevance to those in charge. With the General Election set for 4 July, we have a special opportunity this year to raise awareness with parliamentary candidates too!

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