News Article

KCLSU 2024/25 President Election (Updated)

The Returning Officer of the KCLSU 2024 Elections (a role that is responsible for managing and declaring the results of the elections and is independent of the Students’ Union) has ruled that Hassan Ali cannot take up office as 2024/25 KCLSU President.

KCLSU held well managed, fair, free and democratic elections in March 2024. As a result of the votes cast at the time, Hassan Ali received the highest number of votes for the KCLSU President position. The results of the votes cast were published publicly on the KCLSU website on 15 March 2024. Although not stated on the website, this result was provisional and not final.

There was an outstanding confidential internal HR matter that needed to be resolved before the Returning Officer could declare the result and formally close the Presidential election. Following the recent completion of this HR matter, the Returning Officer has now decided that Hassan Ali cannot take part in the 2024/25 KCLSU President election.

On the instruction of the Returning Officer, Hassan Ali has been removed as a candidate, and a recount is being undertaken of the votes cast to determine who has been elected as the 2024/25 KCLSU President.

KCLSU will keep members, the university and other key stakeholders updated on developments as soon as possible.


Update on KCLSU 2024/25 President Election

Following the recent announcement regarding the Returning Officer’s decision that Hassan Ali cannot take up office as the 2024/25 KCLSU President, we have the following update for members.

As instructed by the Returning Officer, an election recount has now been conducted.

The individual who was identified as the winning candidate resulting from the recount of the KCLSU 2024/25 Presidential election has declined to accept the role.

At the KCLSU Board of Trustees meeting held on 18 July, the Trustees considered the options available:

  • Hold a bye-election in the autumn to identify a new President, or
  • Proceed with a Sabbatical Officer team of 5 Vice Presidents and no President.

The KCLSU Board of Trustees decided the best course of action was for KCLSU to operate without a President for the 2024/25 academic year. KCLSU will have 5 Vice Presidents as the Sabbatical Officer team for the year.

We have received a number of emails and are aware of social media posts which contain inaccuracies, including allegations of undemocratic behaviour, discrimination and Islamophobia. We take these allegations very seriously, however it is important to understand that the claims made online are unfounded. We can confirm that a confidential internal HR matter took place which was handled in accordance with due processes and relevant oversight from the KCLSU Board of Trustees.

Following this process, Hassan Ali was determined to have breached the KCLSU Trustee Code of Conduct, which in accordance with KCLSU’s governance, meant he was ineligible for the KCLSU President role. For the avoidance of doubt, the KCLSU Chief Executive was not involved in this decision.

KCLSU will continue to inform members, the University and other key stakeholders of further developments as they occur.


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