News Article

KCSLU Member Disciplinary Penalties for breaching Covid-19 safety measures


KCLSU is committed to supporting our members and staff as they start the 2020/21 academic year under Covid-19 restrictions. Within our Covid-19 health and safety guidelines, we have plans in place to safely open our bars, cafes and other outlets within Government guidelines. 

Please familiarise yourselves with these rules and guidelines and follow the safety measures put in place. They include what to do in KCLSU and King’s spaces if you are a student society, sports club or group; online events; external speakers and visitors including restrictions on students from other Universities. It is everyone's responsibility to observe these safety measures to the benefit of all students, staff and the wider King's community.

Where guidelines and restrictions are not followed, under our Members Disciplinary Procedure, KCLSU will take prompt and effective action. These penalties are intended to be fair and reasonable while putting restrictions in place on those who fail to comply with the safety measures in place. 

You can read the full Members Disciplinary Procedure below:

Read the full report here

The measures put in place, and the implementation of this policy by KCLSU will be kept under review – the intention is to enable students to enjoy our spaces and the student experience, but also to help our students to stay within the law and Government guidelines.

Please get in touch with us at [email protected] if you have any concerns regarding the policy or contact [email protected] for more information.


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