News Article

Support at KCLSU

King's College London is committed to providing a supportive environment for all students. Whether through the Well-Being Hub, KCLSU Advice, or the efforts of Academic Representatives, there are numerous resources and people ready to help you succeed. Don't hesitate to reach out and make the most of these support systems during your time at KCL. 


Well-Being Hub

The Well-Being Hub at KCLSU is your go-to destination for activities, events, and resources designed to boost your well-being. Whether you're looking for stress-relief activities, mental health resources, or simply a community to engage with, the Well-Being Hub has something for everyone. Be sure to check out their calendar of events and explore the wealth of resources aimed at supporting your mental and physical health throughout your time at KCL. 

The well-being Hub also hosts the PGR Wellbeing Hub, which is here to help you locate these resources and services available to King's postgraduate researchers (PGRs) and the supervisors and staff who support them while at King's. 


KCLSU Advice - Help & Advice

KCLSU provides invaluable support through its Help & Advice service. This service offers free, confidential, and impartial advice on a range of academic and non-academic issues: 


Academic Support

  • Mitigating Circumstances: Guidance on how to report and manage personal circumstances that may affect your studies. 
  • Academic Appeals: Assistance in appealing academic decisions. 
  • Academic Misconduct: Support in understanding and addressing allegations of academic misconduct. 
  • Fitness to Practice: Help for students undergoing fitness to practise evaluations. 
  • Postgraduate Research (PGR) Support: Specific guidance for postgraduate research students facing academic challenges. 


Non-Academic Support

  • Complaints: Help with submitting complaints regarding university services or experiences. 
  • Non-Academic Misconduct: Support for students accused of misconduct, including harassment. 
  • Housing, Finance, Health, and Well-Being: Advice on various aspects of student life to ensure you have the support you need to thrive. 

Advisors can meet online, in person, or over the phone, providing flexible access to support. 


Academic Representatives

Academic Representatives at KCL are vital in enhancing the student learning experience. Here's what they do: 

  • Attend Faculty Committee Meetings: Represent student interests in key decision-making forums. 
  • Engage and Communicate with Peers: Serve as a bridge between the student body and faculty. 
  • Gather Feedback: Collect and relay feedback from students to drive improvements. 
  • Make Positive Changes: Lead student-driven initiatives to enhance academic life. 
  • Training Sessions: Participate in KCLSU-organized training to better serve their peers. 
  • Collaborate with Academic Associations: Work with their faculty's student-led Academic Associations to further student interests. 

Each faculty has its academic representatives, ensuring all student voices are heard. For more information on how to get involved, visit the KCLSU website. 


Don't forget to...

Prioritise Your Physical Well-Being

Starting university is exciting, but it’s easy to neglect your physical health amidst the thrill. Freshers' flu is common due to the hectic schedules and new social interactions. To avoid falling ill, focus on having balanced meals, staying hydrated, and aiming for eight hours of sleep each night. This will keep both your body and mind in top shape, allowing you to fully enjoy your first term. 


Stay Connected

Living in halls can be lonely if you isolate yourself. Make an effort to connect with your flatmates, coursemates, and others you meet. Even casual conversations can help you feel more connected and less isolated. If you’re not in the mood to talk, simply getting out for a walk or a solo dinner can lift your spirits. 


Mind Your Alcohol Consumption

Be mindful of your drinking habits and balance them with a healthy lifestyle. You don’t need alcohol to have fun, and taking nights off to relax is important. Getting involved in societies and clubs can also support your mental health. Find activities you enjoy to relieve stress and meet new people. 


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