Over the past twelve months, KCLSU has continued to help students to thrive, despite the challenges we’ve all faced. We are here to represent students and our officers have led the work to build collective power to make positive change in both education and student experience.
Here are some key things we’ve worked on over the last year to help improve the experience of our students at KCLSU, King’s, and beyond:
- 219 Wellbeing Leads and 35 trained peer supporters
- 296 Wellbeing Leads & Peer Mentors Trained in Student Minds Look After Your Mate Training
- Wellbeing Hub launched, with 83.1% of students surveyed said initiative improved their wellbeing
- Launch of new Black Students Talk
- Led Take Time In with 58 online events, with 4203 students joining in
Student societies, sports, and volunteering groups:
- 7,143 memberships to societies were purchased
- Digitally transformed our annual President & Treasurer training for 899 student leaders
- 1890 sports club memberships in term 1
- 173 live sessions delivered by sports clubs and societies as part of Welcome Fair
- Supported our volunteering groups and students, such as the KCL St John's Ambulance Society
- 170 signs ups through our Connecting with Charities project
- Volunteering brokerage service, with virtual opportunities and COVID-19 risk assessment
- Recruited student volunteers as buddies to support 1st year WP students
Advice and Hubs:
- Provided key support to students in uncertain & difficult times around appeals, supporting students in over 700 cases
- Enhanced our PGR offer and adapted our triage system so we could manage things more effectively
- Helped with 15,495 inquiries through our Hubs desks on all campuses
Democracy and Liberation Networks:
Student-led Creative Platforms:
- Project X was a key digital platform for students to engage with the student community and the Union
- Around 400 students participated in Project X events per month
KCLSU Awards and the Union Shop:
- Over 3000 nominations to celebrate students in KCLSU Awards 2020
- New Crisis Voluntary Impact Award – 80 nominations, 16 winners
- Kept The Union Shop online for all students to purchase items wherever you are