News Article

Preparing for A-Level Results Day

A-Level results day is just around the corner, and students across the country are eagerly waiting to see if they have secured their place at university. The anticipation can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, but with a bit of preparation and the right mindset, you can navigate this important day smoothly. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare for A-Level results day and what to do once the day arrives.


Before Results Day 

1. Stay Informed 

  • Know the Date and Time: Ensure you know exactly when your A-Level results will be released. Results day for A-Levels falls on Thursday 15th August, with results usually available from 8 am. 

  • Understand the Process: Familiarise yourself with how you will receive your results. Whether you need to go to your school or access them online, knowing the process can reduce stress. 

2. Organise Your Workspace 

  • Find a Quiet Space: Choose a calm and quiet environment to check your results. Being in a peaceful setting can help you stay focused and process the information effectively. 

  • Gather Necessary Materials: Have your exam details, personal ID, and login information ready. Also, keep your King's College London offer letter and UCAS details at hand. 

3. Plan Ahead 

  • Prepare for Various Outcomes: Mentally prepare yourself for different scenarios. Think about what you might do if your results are better or worse than expected. Consider potential backup plans, such as Clearing. 

  • Know Your Support Options: Be aware of the support services available, both at your school and through UCAS. Understanding where to get help can provide peace of mind. 

4. Take Care of Yourself 

  • Get Enough Sleep: Make sure you're well-rested the night before results day. A good night’s sleep will help you stay calm and focused. 

  • Stay Hydrated and Eat Well: Don’t skip meals and keep yourself hydrated. A healthy body contributes to a clear mind. 


On Results Day 

1. Stay Calm and Optimistic 

  • Take Deep Breaths: It’s normal to feel a mix of emotions. Taking a few deep breaths can help calm your nerves before checking your results. 

  • Maintain Perspective: Remember, your A-Level results are just one part of your journey. Whatever the outcome, there are always options and opportunities ahead. 

2. Check Your Results 

  • Log In Early: If your results are online, try to log in as soon as they’re available to avoid any last-minute technical issues. 

  • Double-Check Information: Ensure you understand your grades and what they mean for your acceptance at King's College London. 

3. Reflect on Your Achievements 

  • Celebrate Your Success: Regardless of the outcome, take a moment to acknowledge your hard work and dedication. Every achievement, big or small, deserves recognition. 

  • Process Your Emotions: Allow yourself to feel and process your emotions, whether it’s joy, relief, disappointment, or anything in between. 

4. Confirm Your Place at King's 

  • Check UCAS Hub: Log in to UCAS to see if your place at King's College London has been confirmed. This is usually updated on the morning of results day. 

  • Follow Instructions: If your place is confirmed, follow any instructions provided by the central King’s teams for the next steps. If there are any issues, contact King's admissions office for guidance. 

5. Seek Support if Needed  

  • Contact School Advisors: If you have any questions or concerns about your results, reach out to your school advisors. They can provide clarity and guidance on your next steps. 

  • Utilise UCAS Support: If your results aren’t what you expected, don’t panic. UCAS offers support and guidance on what to do next, including information on Clearing and adjustment options. 

6. Plan Your Next Steps 

  • Review Your Goals: Think about what your results mean for your future plans. Whether you’re moving on to university, considering a gap year, or exploring other options, outline your goals and the steps needed to achieve them. 

  • Update Your Records: If applicable, update your CV and LinkedIn profile with your latest academic achievements. 

7. Stay Connected 

  • Reach Out to Peers: Share your results and experiences with friends and classmates. Supporting each other can make the experience more positive and less stressful. 

  • Keep track of what is going on at King’s: Stay connected with King's and start engaging with the community through social media, forums, and introductory events. 

  • Checkout our guide for what to do after Results Day and how to prepare for university here. 



A-Level results day is an important milestone, and being prepared can help you navigate it with confidence and ease. Remember, whatever the outcome, there are numerous resources and support systems available to help you succeed. Congratulations on all your hard work, and best of luck on results day and beyond! 


Stay connected with KCLSU for more updates, support, and opportunities through checking out latest news page here. Best of luck! 


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