News Article

Ramadan Mubarak

Salams (Peace) everyone!

We hope you are doing well.

As many of you will know the weekend saw the start of the month of Ramadan – the ninth month of the Islamic (lunar) calendar – and one which Muslims around the world observe to draw our focus back to God. It is also a time of joy for spending time with family and giving to charity and those in need as we remind ourselves to help those who are less fortunate within our community.

The start of Ramadan falls on the date the new crescent moon is first sighted, and the exact start and end dates are informed in different communities, hence the start varies according to geographical location. The same is true of Eid-al-Fitr when we celebrate the end of Ramadan.

Generally, we observe Ramadan through fasting (abstinence from food, drink, smoking, sexual activity as well as negative thoughts such as jealousy or anger). We mark this from dawn to dusk with prayers, recitation of the Qur'an (the Holy book in Islam), and donating to charity. Not everyone fasts, however, as some are exempt e.g., young children, expecting and breastfeeding mothers, women who are menstruating, the elderly, and those with health conditions.

KCLSU encourages an open and safe environment for our students and staff to practise their faith. For students who would like a quiet space to pray, there are Muslim Prayer rooms available on each campus. If you are looking to learn more, get involved, or seek support, you can reach out to our different Islamic societies, as well as our chaplaincy:

To all our members, Ramadan Mubarak on behalf of the Officer Team and KCLSU!


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