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South Asian History Month

South Asian Heritage Month 

From 18 July until 17 August 2024, the UK will celebrate South Asian Heritage Month (SAHM). This annual event, established in 2019, aims to recognise and celebrate the vibrant contributions of South Asian communities to British society. South Asian Hertiage month is about the next generation of kids growing up in the UK and for them to be able to feel empowered in their identity and proud of who they are. This year's theme, 'Free to Be Me', resonates deeply with this message of empowerment and pride.  

The story of South Asian migration to the UK is one of resilience and determination. South Asia, comprising Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, The Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, has had a profound impact on British culture. Millions of people of South Asian descent call the UK home, bringing with them diverse traditions, languages, and perspectives. Many individuals from South Asian countries moved to Britain in the decades following the Second World War, particularly after Indian independence and Partition in 1947. These communities have since become integral to British society, influencing everything from cuisine and fashion to business and public life.  

Throughout the month, various events will occur across the UK. You can find some held by the organisation here, which include dance classes, lectures, and exhibitions celebrating South Asian culture. Similarly, EventBrite have a series of events that you can get involved in. Whether you're attending an event, trying out a new South Asian recipe, or simply taking the time to learn more about this vibrant heritage, there are countless ways to get involved and celebrate. 


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