News Article

This Week Is Learning Disability Week

As Learning Disability Week comes to a close, it’s important to reflect on its’ importance in raising awareness and understanding of learning disabilities within our community. 

What is learning disability week? 

Founded by Mencap, Learning Disability Week is dedicated to highlighting the experiences and challenges of individuals with learning disabilities. It's an opportunity to promote awareness, advocate for rights, and encourage understanding and support. By educating ourselves, we can help break down barriers and foster a more inclusive community at King’s. 

Understanding Learning Disabilities 

According to Mencap, a learning disability is a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities, which affects someone for their whole life. Some examples of learning disabilities include: 

Dyslexia: Challenges with reading and language processing. 

Dysgraphia: Difficulties with writing and fine motor skills 

Dyscalculia: Struggles with math and numerical understanding. 

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder): Issues with attention, hyperactivity, and impulse control. 

Living with a Learning Disability as a Student 

Living with a learning disability as a student presents unique challenges, but with the right strategies and support, students can succeed. This Learning Disability Week, why not take a moment to read about ways individuals with learning disabilities can be supported whilst at university? You could be reading for yourself, or to find out more about how to support someone you know. Either way, staying aware of ways to support those with learning disabilities keeps our university inclusive and education accessible to all. 

Seek Support Services: The Disability Support and Inclusion Team offer advice and a variety of services to disabled students at King’s. You can book an appointment with an advisor to talk you through your options and explain the accommodations King’s offer. 

Research Assistive Technology: There are many apps and software designed to help with reading, writing, and organisation. If you have access to the Disabled Students Allowance, you can access a variety of paid-for software for free, however there are many that you can access free of charge online also. The Disability team at King’s can also advise on this.  

Communicate with Educators: Whilst it’s important to ensure you reach out for support from the Disability Support and Inclusion Team, you should also keep your department in the loop too. You can even ask the Disability Support and Inclusion Team to get in touch with your professors and Personal Tutor to ensure they are kept up to date with how to support you. They can provide additional support and make necessary accommodations to help you succeed in your coursework. 

Practice Self-Advocacy: This is something that can take a long time to learn, but advocating for your needs and speaking up for yourself and the accommodations you need is the most effective way to ensure you are receiving the right support. You can read a guide on advocacy here

Talk to other students with similar experiences: Connecting with other students who have learning disabilities can provide emotional support and practical advice. It’s a great way to share experiences and strategies for overcoming challenges. The Adjust KCL Campaign is a great way to meet other like-minded students; both in person and online.  

How You Can Help 

Even though Learning Disability Week is wrapping up, our commitment to awareness and support doesn’t end here. Here are a few ways you can stay involved and make a difference: 

Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn more about different learning disabilities. Mencap offers a wealth of information and resources that can help you understand the challenges and strengths of neurodiverse individuals. 

Spread Awareness: Use this time to share information and resources about learning disabilities. Encourage your peers to join the conversation and promote understanding. 

Be Supportive: Offer your support to friends and classmates with learning disabilities. Listen to their experiences, be patient, and encourage them to seek the resources they need. 

Advocate for Inclusivity: Challenge stereotypes and promote inclusive practices within our university. Small actions can make a big difference in creating a welcoming environment for everyone. 

Need Support? 

If you or someone you know needs support, the Disability Support and Inclusion team at King’s is here to help. They provide guidance, resources, and accommodations to ensure every student can succeed. You can reach out to them here


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