New Year, New Start!

14 - 18 January
Let's take care of our wellbeing this year with a week of mindful events

Let's look after ourselves!

Join us for a series of events between 14th - 18th of January, for everything from free back massages to Zen Zones with KCLSU Advice drop-ins to help put your wellbeing in 2019.

Sharing is caring

Let's share our New Year, New Start experience, stories and pictures on social media throughout the week by tagging @kclsu and using the hashtag #NewYearNewStart

Mindful Events

We are so excited for a full week of mindful events from lorem ipsum to ipsum lorem there is something to suit everybody. Come and attend an event.

Latest Events


Decorative Guy's Bar Legendary Sports Night - Membership Card 24-25
4th September - 2nd July
Guy's Bar
KCLSU Events | Guy's Bar | Long Term
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Sessions
10th September - 15th June
Bush House, Strand
Sports Club | Long Term
Snowsports Training (Late Payment)
16th-31st October
Gosling Ski and Snowboard Centre
Student Run Events | Long Term
Wilderness Medicine Society Training Course 2024-25
17th October - 30th March
New Hunt's House, Newcomen Street, London, SE1 1UL
Student Run Events | Long Term
Guy's Bar Karaoke Night - FREE ENTRY
14th March - 24th October
KCLSU Events | Guy's Bar
Guy's Bar Karaoke Night - FREE ENTRY
21st March - 31st October
KCLSU Events | Guy's Bar

Exam Support

Can't sit an exam due to bereavement, injury, illness or mental health issues? Accused of academic midconduct?

There are specific procedures to deal with these circumstances and our caseworkers are independent and confidential sources of help and support.

Come and see us!

KCLSU Advice will be at the three Zen Zones throughout the week offering mitigating circumstances drop-ins.


Legendary Sports Night - Membership Card 24-25
4th September 5pm - 2nd July 4am
Guy's Bar
KCLSU Events | Guy's Bar | Long Term
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Sessions
10th September 6pm - 15th June 8pm
Bush House, Strand
Sports Club | Long Term
Training (Late Payment)
16th October 9am - 31st October 6pm
Gosling Ski and Snowboard Centre
Student Run Events | Long Term
Training Course 2024-25
17th October 6pm - 30th March 11pm
New Hunt's House, Newcomen Street, London, SE1 1UL
Student Run Events | Long Term
Karaoke Night - FREE ENTRY
14th March 5pm - 24th October 9pm
KCLSU Events | Guy's Bar
Karaoke Night - FREE ENTRY
21st March 5pm - 31st October 9pm
KCLSU Events | Guy's Bar

Follow what's happening!

Make sure you use the hashtag #NewYearNewStart and follow the news and events!

“I have 3 years of community engagement, leadership and responsibility listed on my CV as a result of volunteering. Leading lessons has built my confidence, communication skills and impartiality”

Helen Attkins,
3rd Year BA International Relations

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