Organisation Details

Ophthalmology Society


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KCL Ophthalmology Society is a student-led society that hosts academic events, workshops, social events and much more.

Our goal is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the specialty, through inviting high-quality speakers, and creating unique and insightful events. 

Some of our previous events include academic teaching sessions on key topics tailored towards written examinations, mock OSCEs, microsurgery skills days, and networking events. We host an annual conference, including talks on oculoplastics, retina, corneal disease and neuro-ophthalmology. 

We provide membership to the society for £2, which allows us to run our events, including our annual conference. Having membership provides priority registration for limited-space events, including the mock OSCE, discounted event rates, including conference and workshops, members-only networking events, exclusive access to mentorship schemes, and other society benefits in the works.

If you have any ideas or feedback for events you would like to see, please do not hesistate to contact us through our social media.

We hope you consider joining us, and we can’t wait for you all to join us for our events this year.

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