Organisation Details

Anatomy Society


  • Anatomy Society Associate Membership (Non-students)£5.00
  • Anatomy Society Standard Membership£5.00

Our Products

  • Fleece XXL£25.00
  • Fleece XL£25.00
  • Fleece M£25.00
  • Fleece S£25.00
  • Fleece XS£25.00
  • Fleece L£25.00

KCL Anatomy Society Banner

KCL Anatomy Society: Exploring the blueprint of the human body


Who are we?

An interdisciplinary society dedicated to helping you explore the fascinating world of anatomy! Regardless of your course or level of knowledge, there’s something for everyone to get involved with and enjoy!

Join us to dive into the intricacies of the human body through a multitude of different avenues!


With peer-led “General Academic Revision Series” and doctor-led “Clinical Academic Revision Series”, our academic events cover not only the basis of anatomical knowledge, but also their clinical application in the real world.
Introduced just last year, we have also added others to our collection, including the “Socademic Events”, which blend social and academic elements to offer a hands-on, interactive learning experience that goes beyond traditional lectures and workshops!
Also running for its second year now, we have the “Mega Revision Series”, which takes place before formative and summative exams, and provides a quick run-through of all anatomy and physiology modules in preparation for the upcoming exams!


With engaging events like our Cadaver Quiz, we also offer a wide array of events to immerse you further into the fascinating world of anatomy!


Wellbeing is also of great importance within the society. Through initiatives offering tips and guidance, as well as organising events to provide a break from academic pressures, there are ample opportunities for you to unwind and place your wellbeing at the forefront.


Our annual “Future of Surgical Anatomy” (FSA) conference is another highlight of the year. With engaging speakers, interactive workshops and hands-on experiences, this conference offers a unique opportunity to engage with the forefront of surgical science!

The society also runs a second conference, this year delving into the pivotal role of anatomy across various disciplines!

Widening Participation (WP):-

With our “She is A Surgeon” (SIAS) outreach initiative, we also work to support students from BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) backgrounds with their medical school applications, increasing exposure to surgical ventures and providing opportunities to give insight into a career of surgery.

Get Involved:-


Sign up to our FREE monthly mailing list to recieve notifications regarding upcoming events, opportunities to enhance your CV and much more, straight to your inbox!

Find it here:


Read our blog covering exciting anatomy-related topics here:

If you would like to have your article featured on our blog, send us an email at [email protected]


Check out our website full of exciting news about anatomy and our society - 


Follow our socials @kclanatomysoc to keep up to date and get involved in the exciting world of anatomy!

Follow our projects, our Future of Surgical Anatomy (FSA) conference @fsa_london and our She is a Surgeon (SIAS) widening participation initiative @sheisasurgeon on Instagram!

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